Toi Tūranga Holiday Program & Tiaki Tamariki, Māori Performing Arts for After School are for ages 8 years to 14 years.
The program develops tamariki in their skills for learning and retaining Māori Performing Arts in an after-school program, this is supported through play and activities that enhance their understanding of Māori performance from a child’s point of view.
This program does not require previous skills and knowledge, but a willingness to participate and engage is the outcome sought. The program development will be initiated by the children as well through their participation on the program, and their developmental stages.
All programs are structured towards fun while investigating their ability to enjoy the performing arts from a Māori perspective. Activities include Māori song and dance, Māori games, and drawing and colouring in with the use of Maori pedagogies, myths and legends, song, instrument playing, dance.
Excursions off the premises will be included as and when required and will be assessed through RAM process alongside Guardian or Parental permissions to attend.
The ‘NEW PROGRAMS Toi Tūranga’ have been accredited through MSD OSCAR REQUIREMENTS and therefore Child Protection Policies are stringent and robust.
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