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Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu
Filling the basket of knowledge since 1983

Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu, founded in 1983, is the culmination of several years of dedication and commitment of a small band of young Māori enthusiasts who supported the vision of the Ariki Ihorei, Tama Tūranga Huata.

From a humble beginning where the primary objective was the imparting of traditional skills, waiata, haka, poi and waiata-ā-ringa, has grown the wonderful Wānanga of today.  With a strong kaupapa to empower Māori people through the traditional art forms.

Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu has developed a unique learning environment incorporating a Kōhanga Reo, Kura Kaupapa, Wharekura and a Wānanga.

NZQA Accreditation Status

Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu is a registered Charitable Trust and was first registered as a Private Training Establishment in 1991, and in 2017 received a Category 2 Classification as part of the Te Hono o Te Kahurangi EER – External Quality Assurance process. For full information of this report and full accreditation details of Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu, please click here.

Ko Te Amorangi ki mua.
Ko te hāpai ō ki muri.
Te tūturutanga mahi pono o te Māori mana motuhake.
Let God be your spearhead and achievement will follow is true Maoridom in action.

Nō Te Amorangi
Wi Te Tau Hauata

Te Kawa o Takitimu
Tama Huata, MBA, ONZM 1950 – 2015 (Founder)

Te Ariki Ihorei Tama Tūranga Huata founded the kaupapa of Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu in 1983.

‘Tomokia te wao nui a Tane, nā te pounamu, kohurau, kāra, anewa pounamu
Puta mai te awhiorangi, te whironui, rakuraku o tāwhaki matangi rei, hui-te-rangiora
Ara mai te toki
Rūrukutia te ihu Matapupuni a Tāne
Rūrukutia i te kowhao tapu a Tane
Rūrukutia i te Matatapu a Tāne
Rūrukutia i te Rauawa tapu ā Tāne
Tōia mai te waka
U! E!

Te tahuri, maunukuhia, mauhapaingia, manu tawhiorangi
Whakarere atu te waka nei e
Ka ū te waka – ki Rarotonga
Ka ū te waka – ki te Taitokerau
Ka ū te waka – Tauranga moana
Ka ū te waka – Waikawa Wairoa
Ka ū te waka – Waimārama
Ka ū te waka – Wairarapa moana
Ka ū te waka – ki Te Waipounamu
Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa
Kahungunu ki Heretaunga
Kahungunu ki Wairarapa
Tōia mai te waka
U! E!

Ngahiwi Tomoana. Chairman

Narelle Huata. CEO

Tēnā rā koutou katoa i roto i ngā manaakitanga o te Kaihanga

Ki ō tātou tini aituā, tini mate, takoto mai i roto i te piringa o tō tātou Ariki

Ngā kupu whakaari o Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu

Nau mai, haere mai ki Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu

Piki ake, kake ake ki te Toi Huarewa