Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu Performing Arts School delivers an education programme for all ages, encompassing a philosophy of womb to tomb learning founded on an education model of Te Whare Tapere.
The Te Whare Tapere delivers total immersion education programmes for; Kōhanga Reo (Pre-school), Kura Kaupapa (Primary School), Wharekura (Secondary School), Multi-lingual for Wānanga (Tertiary) and Kura Raumati, Taikura, Whare Pūkenga (Higher level/Adult learning).
This is Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu ‘Womb to Tomb’ kaupapa in operation.
The success of the kaupapa is with the Whānau!
Today the school has evolved into a provider of a seamless educational wānanga and has a Kōhanga Reo (pre-school language nest), a Kura Kaupapa (total immersion primary school), Wharekura (total immersion secondary school) and the Tertiary programme is established on the same site.
The Wānanga arm is the heart kaupapa for all levels. It underpins the learning profile and curriculum of the levels 0 – 13 years education programme; it also provides background and infrastructural support to Ngāti Kahungunu iwi for Ngā Toi.
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